Jonny Wilkinson
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Train like a pro: Jonny Wilkinson’s 5 top tips

Improving your health and fitness doesn’t have to involve a total lifestyle overhaul – just ask Jonny Wilkinson. The No.1 Living Founder and former England rugby international has shared his tips for training like a professional, and his advice revolves around embracing holistic wellness and fitness. No need to rip up your routine to feel the benefits!

“I’m giving my tips on how to train like a professional, with small lifestyle changes that can benefit your overall fitness and wellness,” he explains.

We’re particularly delighted to work with Jonny because these tips embody our Wellness Pledge. We established this pledge in order to encourage the nation to say no to fitness fads and instead focus on creating healthy habits to improve long-term wellness. 

“In order to main strong, healthy and at-peak performance both physically and mentally, we need to look after ourselves from the inside out,” says Jonny.

“It’s important that we undertake physical exercise, whether that’s through group classes or strength sessions in the gym, but it’s equally vital that we allow our bodies time to rest and recover.”

We’ve previously spoken to Jonny about the importance of nutrition, and he’s very clear that it has a key part to play when it comes to overall fitness. “Focusing on your gut health, by eating nutritious and whole foods, as well as hydrating with healthy drinks, allows our bodies to have the right fuel to energise our workouts and day-to-day lives,” says Jonny.

“I hope these tips will help those who are looking to upgrade their exercise routine, as well as taking their overall wellness to the next level.”

Jonny Wilkinson’s 5 top tips for training like a pro

1. Become an all-rounder

For me it’s really important to train all your systems: speed, power, strength, flexibility and endurance – everything! Try to become an all-round athlete. Strength is really important for your stability and your grounding, while your flexibility and looseness is your spontaneity.

2. Look after your body

Eat well, hydrate well, look after your body. It’s the most amazing intelligent machine on the planet, so respect it, revere it and it will look after you.

3. Follow your passions

Work on your skills, play sports, challenge yourself, just make it fun. Follow your passions – where there is excitement and opportunity, you’ll keep doing it.

4. Rest and recover

Rest and recovery is so important in my opinion, you can’t reap the benefits of all that amazing work until relaxation takes place. Find a way to unwind and let go, whenever and wherever you can.

5. Accept and love yourself

Setting yourself little goals is really important. Competing, comparing and controlling the whole time is not going to bring that peace and freedom. Learn how to accept and love yourself for exactly how you are now, because chronic stress destroys performance, relationships and health and wellbeing.

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