Whether you know him as Santa, Father Christmas or anything else, it’s undeniable that his job is extremely physical – and that means it makes for a great workout. From carrying a heavy sack loaded with presents, to quickly hiding from curious kids, he’s constantly on the move.
Don’t believe us? See for yourself with our Christmas Santa workout. With 9 diverse and challenging exercises (all inspired by Santa’s activities on Christmas Eve), you’ll finish feeling full of energy, and ready for the festivities ahead!
Intermediate: 30 seconds per exercise with 30 seconds rest in between each set. Complete 2-3 circuits.
Advanced: 40 seconds per exercise with 20 seconds rest in between each set. Complete 3 circuits.
Pushing the Sleigh (Sled Push)

Pushing the sleigh is tough work as it exercises the glutes, calves, hamstrings, quads and core. Not only does it strengthen these muscles, but builds aerobic fitness as well. Unless you have a sleigh lying around, you can substitute with a weight sled and just use your imagination…

Riding Santa’s Sleigh (Battle Rope)
It’s hard work keeping reindeer in line and focused – something Santa knows all too well as he uses his reins to keep order. Copy Santa’s whip and get your arms in shape with a round of energetic (and exhausting!) battle rope waves.

Santa Sack Lift (Power Bag Lunge)
Santa has legs (and a bum) of steel from lugging around a heavy sack and kneeling down to unload his presents under the tree. Take a leaf out of his book by doing a series of power bag lunges. Not only will the exercise strengthen your quads and glutes, but work your arms as well.
Jumping Down the Chimney (Box Jumps)
Leaping down the chimney is no easy feat, demanding strong leg and core muscles. Copy Santa’s technique with a set of box jumps. Box jumps are great for building explosive power, training fast twitch muscle fibres, and helping you stop quickly. Make sure you focus on your technique, placing an emphasis on landing softly, quietly and gracefully… After all, you don’t want to wake up the kids.
Quick Stepping through the House (Quick Feet In and Outs)

Santa has to be agile and light on his toes to make his way through the house swiftly and undetected. Work on your speed and agility with a series of quick feet in and outs, quite literally moving ‘in and out’ a series of markings as quickly and accurately as possible.

Hiding from the Kids (Burpees)
Santa has to be able to quickly hit the deck and escape detection when sneaky kids poke their heads around the corner. Copy his style with a set of burpees. Burpees are one of the best full-body exercises out there, burning loads of calories while strengthening the arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings and core.
The Present Pass (Medicine Ball Rotation)
A large part of Santa’s job is passing presents back and forth. ‘The Present Pass’ works to strengthen your core, back and shoulders as you raise the medicine ball above your head, pivoting your torso from side to side while continually lowering and raising the ball. Keep your chest up and your core engaged, and you’ll feel the burn in no time!
Placing Presents Under the Tree (Medicine Ball Rebounder)

Work your chest, arms and core with a set of medicine ball rebounders. Working the same muscles Santa uses to put his presents under the tree, this exercise primarily exercises the arms and chest. Simply throw a medicine ball against a rebounder, catch and repeat.

Presents Delivered Celebration (Tuck to Star Jump)
When all the presents are delivered and his work is done, Santa likes to celebrate with a big leap (similar to a tuck to star jump move, if you can believe it). This builds anaerobic fitness and explosiveness, while working the legs and core.
Visit your local David Lloyd Club and try Santa’s workout before Christmas Eve.