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That’s entertrainment: How to enjoy exercise

Are you ready for ‘entertrainment’? It’s a way of working out that puts the emphasis on enjoyment – and it’s been identified by a national newspaper as one of the hottest fitness trends around. (Entertrainment – get it?)

According to the Sunday Times’ Style supplement, ‘entertrainment’ is set to be huge. It mainly involves classes that are focused on fun as much as fitness, with music, quirky themes and motivational instructors.

Boosting your enjoyment can certainly help if you’re new to exercise or returning after a break. It can also help increase motivation if your routine is starting to feel a little, well, routine.

We’ve rounded up some key changes you can make to your workouts to up the fun factor. Of course, not everyone is into fitness classes, so we’ve also included plenty of tips that will suit different ways of working out.

1. Take it outside

Woman running beside the sea

Weather allowing, exercising outdoors is a proven mood-booster: studies have shown that an al-fresco fitness fix can help alleviate anxiety and lower stress levels. If you’re used to exercising indoors, taking it outside can also give you a boost simply by shaking up your routine.

2. Think social

One of the easiest ways to make exercise more fun is to work out with other people. Whatever your favourite workout, it should be pretty simple to make it social.

3. Join a class…

Of course, your nearest and dearest may not be interested in exercise, or at least not in the same types of exercise you enjoy. If that’s the case, joining a class is a good way to make new friends who have similar fitness goals.

4. … but not just any class

Gym goers at an indoor cycling class

Intrigued by ‘entertrainment’? You need to check out our Signature Class RHYTHM, a cycling session that’s basically a party on a bike.

5. Challenge yourself

For some people, working towards a goal is what makes fitness enjoyable. Whether you want to improve your 5k time or increase the weight you lift, do some research and set yourself a challenge. Just make sure it’s achievable – you’ll rapidly lose motivation if you’re not seeing any progress.

6. Back away from ‘should’

We know it’s easier said than done, but changing your attitude towards exercise can make all the difference. If you think of working out as something you ‘should’ do, it becomes a chore – and who enjoys doing chores?! Try to reframe the role of exercise in your life as something you can take pleasure in during the moment, as well as enjoying future health benefits.

7. Plan a reward

Spa Facilities for Relaxation at David LLoyd Clubs

Give Incentive Theory a try – plan a treat for yourself at the end of your workouts. This could be anything from an hour in a spa to soothe tired muscles to buying a piece of workout kit you’ve had your eye on.

8. Put time into your playlists

Never underestimate the motivational power of music. We recommend reviewing yours every month or so, to make sure it feels fresh. We also recommend having different playlists for different types of exercise and seasons. To help you get started, here’s our summer workout playlist.

9. Pick a podcast

Of course, music may not be your thing – or you may just want to switch things up. In that case, podcasts are perfect for keeping your mind occupied while your body’s working hard. With everything from true crime to political documentaries, you’re sure to find something that suits your tastes.

10. Try something new


Studies have shown that leaving your comfort zone every now and again can increase motivation. With that in mind, keep your routine fresh by trying a new workout, even if you only do it as a one-off. Choose something that’ll provide a real contrast to your day-to-day exercise – Pilates instead of a cycling class, for example.

11. Invest in tech

Wearable fitness tech can boost motivation by allowing you to track your progress and showing you real-time results. In our BLAZE sessions, for example, class-goers use MyZone chest-strap fitness monitors to display their individual performance on screens in the studio.

12. Book a Personal Trainer

Whether you’re returning to exercise, a total novice or a five-times-per-week gym goer, working out with a PT can help with making exercise fun as well as meeting your fitness goals. After all, they know you’re more likely to stick to a routine you enjoy, so they’ll design it accordingly.

13. Find your inner child (with help from an actual child)

Are you a parent, grandparent/aunt/uncle or godparent? On a day when you find yourself lacking motivation, consider seeing if any of the kids in your life are up for some exercise. Their enthusiasm may prove infectious! This could be as simple as going for a run round the park, or you could take part in an all-ages class. Our family HIIT classes are BLAZE Rebels and Battlebox Play.

14. Treat yourself to new kit

There’s something about getting new kit that makes a workout feel fresh again. We’re not suggesting you replace everything, but take a look at your exercise clothing, shoes and accessories to see if any of it can do with an upgrade.

15. Ditch the comparisons

“Comparison is the thief of joy,” said Theodor Roosevelt, and it’s as true now as it was all those years ago. Try to get out of the habit of comparing yourself to other gym goers or runners, in order to enjoy exercise more and improve your body confidence.

16. Think about timings

Image of members using treadmills at David Lloyd

You may not have a lot of choice when it comes to when you work out, but if you do enjoy flexibility in your schedule, try to discover which time of day is best for you. Some people feel happiest when they exercise first thing in the morning; others prefer an evening session. Experiment with doing different types of exercise at different times of day to work out what’s right for you.

17. Play to your strengths

Choose types of workout that you’re good at. This may sound like we’re saying you should give yourself an easy ride – we’re not (unless you want to!). It’s about identifying what you’re good at and finding exercises to suit those parts of your personality, rather than forcing yourself to do things that feel unnatural.

Already feeling inspired? Supercharge your next workout with our PT-approved tips for achieving your health and fitness goals.

Always remember to find your motivation to avoid a fitness plateau.

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