Can’t get to the gym? No problem. This at-home cardio workout will get your heart pumping and your muscles burning in no time at all.
You’ll find plenty of plyometric exercises in the workout. What is plyometric training, you ask? Think short, explosive movements – anything involving jumping, basically!
Requiring zero equipment, all you need for this HIIT workout is a timer and you’re good to go.
Move 1: Star Jumps
Improve your vertical jump and develop power through your torso with the classic star jump. To complete the move:
- Squat down halfway and explode back up as high as possible
- Fully extend your entire body, spreading your legs and arms away from the body
Aim to spend as little time on the ground as possible when doing this move – speed is key!
Move 2: Squat Jumps
There’s no better move to strengthen your quads than the squat jump. To complete:
- Start with your feet positioned just outside of your hips
- Sink your hips back and down into a squat, then drive up strong through your heels
- Use your arms for momentum before landing on the ground
Move 3: Plyometric Lunges
The plyometric lunge helps to increase explosive power while strengthening the knee and ankle joints and limiting lower body injuries. It’s also great for improving general control and coordination. To do the lunge:
- Jump your legs into a split stance
- Keep your upper body upright and your core engaged
- Lower your back knee towards the floor and then drive back up through your heels and switch your legs
Move 4: Glute Bridges
Glute bridges are great for working your bum, legs and core. To do a glute bridge:
- Lie on your back with knees bent to 90 degrees, heels on the floor
- Push your hips off the ground as high as you can and squeeze your glutes and hamstrings
- Pause for a second, then lower again
- Repeat
You can increase difficulty by placing your feet up on a bench or doing one leg at a time.
Move 5: Ladder Climb
Ladder climbs will get your heart pumping, burn calories and improve your footwork.
- Create a line in your home using whatever is handy – for example, the edge of a carpet
- Move down the line, stepping one foot after the other over the line in front of you, moving backwards and forwards over the line. Continue until you reach the end of the line
- Sprint back to the starting position and repeat
- Stay light on your toes and step as quickly and accurately as possible being careful not to touch the line
Move 6: Burpees
While burpees are a toughie, they successfully work your arms, back, chest, core, glutes and legs in one. They improve balance and co-ordination while building strength and endurance. To do a burpee:
- Starting in a standing position, drop into a squat with your hands on the ground just in front of your feet
- Kick your feet back behind you, keeping your arms extended so you are in a raised plank position
- Jump back up and repeat
Move 7: Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers strengthen the upper body and core.
- Start in a plank position. Keep your abs squeezed tight and your body straight. Squeeze your glutes and pull your shoulders away from your ears
- Pull your right knee into your chest, keeping your abs tight so your body doesn’t come out of plank position
- Quickly switch and pull the left knee in. As you push your right leg back, pull your left knee in to the chest
- Repeat
This video was produced with the help of Adam Salter, Lead Coach at David Lloyd Beckenham. To view part 2 of the series see our A Strength Home workout that’s a HIIT.