Whether it’s Taylor Swift or The Prodigy, the right music doesn’t only help you get in the mood to work out – it can motivate you when you need to power through those final few reps, and even soundtrack your post-workout stretches.
For long-distance runners, playlists can often take on even greater importance. While 100 BPM (beats per minute) is considered ideal for brisk walking, 180 BPM represents the ideal cadence for competitive and elite runners, who usually stride at around 180 steps per minute. That’s why many runners find it helpful to go with the rhythm of the music, using 180 BPM playlists to not only keep their pacing steady but reach specific training goals.
With that in mind, we’ve assembled a 180 BPM Spotify playlist for long-distance runners, especially those preparing for marathons or half-marathons. But don’t worry if 180 BPM proves to be too quick for your preferred pacing – our playlist can still be enjoyed even if the beats don’t perfectly match your stride!