Blaze is the newest class to hit David Lloyd Clubs: a high intensity interval training (HIIT) boutique-style class synced to up-beat, motivational dance music, it provides a dynamic workout combining mixed martial arts, intense cardio and strength training.
The class has a special twist as attendees are invited to wear a heart rate monitor that tracks their progress in real-time, showing their heart rate on a large screen on the wall and the level of effort being exerted. Led by one of our highly trained Blaze Instructors, you’ll be encouraged to work harder and get into the red zone (90-100% of your maximum heart rate effort) in certain parts of your workout. Exercising at this rate of effort has multiple benefits and will expand your aerobic capacity, increase endurance and stamina, improve speed/power, improve recovery and burn through hundreds of calories.
Blaze started in the early months of 2018 with a special guest performance by musician Sophie Ellis-Bextor in the opening class. A big fan of Blaze, she loves the high-energy and excitement of the classes, the constant encouragement from the instructors, the great distraction of the music, and the fact that while everyone has totally different levels of ability, they’re all engaged and rearing to go.
Watch her full interview here:
Interested in learning more about Blaze and how it works? Read the full guide here.